Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good Might!

Good Might= Good night+good morning

What I Want by PGratton

What happens to your body when you don't sleep for a night? Let's find out.... Well, according to Wikipedia... Damn, so many big words on Wikipedia... Here, you read it for yourself:  Basically, depriving yourself of sleep can make you more retarded than you normally are. And for some of us this is a VERY bad thing.

So, the reason I'm thinking about this is that my sleep this past week has been super rough. I don't know if it's our new bed or just something on my mind, but I have struggled to get 6hrs a night. In an attempt to remedy this I am staying up all night tonight and all day tomorrow (which is actually today by now) so that I am so stinking tired Sunday night that I pass out and basically reset my sleep schedule. I don't know how safe or recommended this practice is but a councilor told me to do this once and it has worked for me before.

The song posted at the top is a song by my brother. It has absolutely nothing to do with sleep or being tired but I liked it at the time I started it and I'm keeping it. At this time I have no intentions of maintaining this blog or even posting with any regularity. Enjoy the randomocity! (Ok, that really needs to be a word.)

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