Monday, March 28, 2011

Hi, How are you?

So, there is a guy here at work. Well, there are a lot of guys, and gals (also known as girls/women). But every time we see each other at work I say, "Hey. How's it going?" And then he says, "Hello. How are you?" And then I typical nod or just smile or something like that. Isn't that funny? We both ask questions, but neither of us answer. And then we just go on with our lives. Actually, I couldn't care less how it's "going" for him. I'm not trying to be rude. I just don't care. I don't have time for that. That's the unfortunate truth I have realized about my life. I discovered it a few years ago when I was in Wisconsin. I would see people I didn't know and my greeting was, "How you doing?" But I really didn't want their answer. I was just being nice. Kinda like a dog sniffing another dogs butt. I think they are just being nice. They don't really care what that thing smells like, and I'm gonna guess they already know! So next time someone asks you, "How's it going?", or "What's up?", or "Where's the library?", please don't answer the question. Just exchange your greeting for theirs and walk on by.

On a side note; I have started my vlog on youtube. When I get home I will throw a link here or you can just search on youtube for m00tmike. That's me.

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